Accueil Lifestyle Des enfants omanais cassent leurs tirelires pour aider durant Ramadan

Des enfants omanais cassent leurs tirelires pour aider durant Ramadan

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Des enfants omanais cassent leurs tirelires pour aider durant Ramadan

Des enfants omanais cassent leurs tirelires pour aider durant Ramadan

La General Authority for Charitable Activities and Associations in Oman organizes several campaigns like « For Gaza », « Iftar for Fasting People », « Orphan Sponsorship », and others, allowing citizens and residents to provide assistance to those in need during the month of goodness.

Celebrations of charity in Oman intensify before and during Ramadan, bearing fruit during this holy month. An example is the Children’s Piggy Banks Project, where we see a child, not older than three, holding a clay piggy bank, sharing the joy with a group of children as they break their clay piggy banks to donate the coins and banknotes collected to contribute to various charitable activities.

Célébration de « Mes Tirelires »

Al Jazeera Net highlighted an event where children break piggy banks in Oman, approaching the details and nature of the project. Sultan bin Nasser Al-Nabhani, head of the Bahla Charitable Team, spoke about the « My Piggy Bank » project, stating: « It is a community partnership project that helps families instill the value of giving in children and contributes to providing the team with a yearly amount used to empower orphaned and needy families registered with the team. The essence of the project lies in distributing locally produced clay piggy banks to children and receiving them after a full year. »

Aspects Organisationnels

Regarding the start of the « My Piggy Bank » project and its organizational aspects, Al-Nabhani mentioned: « Before launching the project, individual and group meetings were held with educational teachers and children to benefit from their opinions and inform them about the project’s goals, stages, and justifications, which involve involving children in charitable work. »

Phases du Projet

Al-Nabhani illustrated the stages of the « My Piggy Bank » project, where initially, the number of families participating in the project was determined through an online link, communicating with them and providing them with the piggy banks. The project organizers ensure constant communication through text messages, and after a full year, a celebration is held where children break their piggy banks to collect the amounts to help needy families.

« Concept du Projet »

Those behind the project believe in the importance of volunteer work in shaping a child’s personality. Thus, the « My Piggy Bank » project emerged from the Bahla Charitable Team’s recognition of the significance of spreading social cohesion among the state’s children. It aims to engage children in volunteer work to educate a generation on the values of volunteering, sacrifice, cooperation, social solidarity, and respect for others, contributing to their development and that of their society, achieving comprehensive development for their nation.

Objectifs et Importance du Projet

The « My Piggy Bank » project contributes to instilling several values, with the primary relationship between the child and saving formed through the piggy bank allowing the child to comprehend the true value of saving and helping others. The project aims to achieve various objectives as outlined by the head of the Bahla Charitable Team:

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